Sunday, May 29, 2011

"Organized Mass Chaos China Style" (read on)

First thing this morning our guide, Vickie, took us to the Guizhou Provincial Museum.  We learned about some of the history in this area of China, as well as the different ethnic groups that make up the population and their customs.

After the tour of the museum, we headed to the "Bird, Fish, Rabbit, Dog, Cat and You Name It, We Got It Market."  I immediately thought of Ms. Kim (former FBC Children's Minister) - "Organized Mass Chaos" - except it was "Unorganized Mass Chaos" to me, but not to the Chinese citizens who shop here.  After I thought about it, I realized that this was very organized to them, if they even think about organization, which I doubt very seriously.  This was the biggest flea market, fair type excursion that I have ever engaged in, and it made me a little nervous when Vickie told us to be on guard for pickpockets.  I could not believe all the stuff for sale - dogs, cats, rabbits, fish, birds, turtles, food, books, clothes, flowers, tools, - even used teeth and old dentures!!  There was even a dachshund walking around in the market.  I never thought I would see a dachshund in China!! Bethany couldn't believe it!!  Lydia liked the fish!!

Needless to say, it was a very interesting and eye and nose opening experience.  One that we will never forget!!

Thanks again for all your comments and prayers!!  It's such a blessing to hear from our friends and family members and to know that you are lifting us up before THE THRONE OF GRACE!!  Blessings overflow!!

Our guide, Vickie

Batik Making at Museum


Picture Perfect

Teeth for less

It's a small world after all

I'd like to sit a spell with him

The trail never ends

"This is the day which the Lord has brought about; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 (Amplified)


chasmar123 said...

So good to see all of the pictures of you and know that everyone is doing great. Have a wonderful time & make lots of memories with your girls! Praying for all of you. Mary

haley and jaret said...

glad yall are having fun. can't wait to see yall. love the weiner dog
love,haley and jaret